Jetty Jumping: Years 1 - 2 English, Geography, Drama, Mathematics, Health & PE


AuthorAndrea Rowe

Illustrator: Hannah Sommerville

PublisherHardie Grant

Synopsis: While Milla’s friends take big, brave jumps off the jetty, Milla stays on the blistering wood, scared of what lurks below. But when Milla accidentally falls off the edge, she discovers the beauty of the deep, dark sea – and her summer changes forever.

Themes: overcoming fear, bravery, motivation, summer, ocean, swimming and diving, friendship.

Cross-curriculum links: Mathematics; Geography; Health & Physical Education; Drama

 Why use this book? This beautifully written and illustrated picture book will resonate with young children on a number of levels: from surface concepts of places they love, things they love to do and playing with their friends, to deeper themes of what they are frightened of — and the many different forms that bravery can take. The book follows a standard narrative structure, enabling an early introduction to the pattern of orientation, complication and resolution. The vocabulary is rich and descriptive, and provides great opportunities for building synonyms, simple noun groups and initial verb groups. The text can be used as a model, or mentor text, to support students to begin to create their own texts. In terms of cross-curriculum links, this text could be studied in conjunction with a Geography unit about the features of places and the activities that occur there. It would also complement work in Health and PE about being healthy, safe and active.