eBook - Coding animated narratives

eBook - Coding animated narratives

Edited by Len Unsworth

Included as part of June 2024 eBook member pack

Coding is an emerging educational imperative worldwide, including in Australia, but typically siloed in a digital technology curriculum or concentrated in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) curricula. Outside of schooling, however, a large and increasing number of primary school-age students are using coding to create a plethora of stories ranging from the brief and unimaginative, to intriguing and insightful micro-narratives, and extended and episodic animated movies.

This critical textbook connects research into practice, demonstrating through 4 class case studies (written by the teachers themselves) how Years 5 - 7 students can be supported to achieve English curriculum text creation learning outcomes through digital narrative authoring.

This research on which this book is based was supported by an Australian Research Council Discovery grant (DP190100228) funded by the Australian Government.

Intended audience

Anyone with a passion for forward-thinking literacy practices and the role of technology and multimodal texts in modern English and literacy teaching, in the following roles:

  • Classroom teachers Years 5 - 7
  • Literacy Leaders
  • Curriculum and Instructional Leaders
  • Principals
  • Please note the book below is in eBook format: click on the about the book tab to order a print copy.

    Member price: 23.00

    Publication details

    Len Unsworth
    Date of Publication
    PETAA Membership

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