A New Literature Companion for Teachers (3rd Edition)

A New Literature Companion for Teachers (3rd Edition)

Lorraine McDonald

Cover illustration by Anna Walker

Only available in Australia and New Zealand

WINNER! — Educational Publishing Awards Australia 2023 Primary: Reference Resource

Children’s literature is in a golden age, with a never-before seen range of forms, modes and styles. This is exciting for teachers, who understand the power of literature to inspire readers and writers in the classroom. This brand-new, third edition of PETAA’s landmark text, A New Literature Companion, has been written to support and build teachers’ knowledge of how literature may be responded to, examined, interpreted, analysed, evaluated and created. Written in alignment with the latest version of the Australian Curriculum: English (v9) and including more than 80 mentor texts, this is a must-have for any initial teacher education (ITE) student or practising teacher's library.

The book presents literary writing as both an art and a craft and explores aspects of the craft of writers’ artistry. Throughout the chapters, this text highlights the reciprocity of the reading-writing relationship, highlighting close reading and developed writing teaching and learning opportunities for teachers and students. There is a consistent focus on how language constructs meaning in texts.

In this new edition, a new chapter, Teaching mentor texts, has been written in response to current teaching needs. The book expands its discussion of literary genres and now includes sections on Spiritual Realism, Magical Realism and Climate Sci-fi (or Cli-fi). The book now also examines Postmodern texts, Graphic, Verse novels, Manga, and renews its focus on Non-fiction.

New title information (.pdf 295 kB)

Sample chapter

Sample Chapter (.pdf 553 KB)

Intended audience

  • Pre-service teachers
  • Early career educators
  • Teacher librarians
  • Classroom teachers
  • Literacy Leaders
  • Please note the book below is in print format: follow this link to order an ebook copy.

    Member price: 37.00

    Publication details

    Lorraine McDonald
    Date of Publication
    PETAA Membership

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