For the Love of Reading: Supporting struggling readers

For the Love of Reading: Supporting struggling readers

Kaye Lowe

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For the Love of Reading: Supporting struggling readers examines the world of the struggling reader from multiple perspectives. The intention is to leave the reader with a broad perception and understanding of the journey of struggling readers and be equipped with strategies and ideas to support their success.

This book weaves together perspectives on reading drawn from a field of reading research that is rich and varied. Each chapter addresses questions that demand cross-discipline responses in order to better understand how readers learn to read and how teachers support the development of voracious, lifelong readers. The weft threads, made up of struggling readers’ voices, weave in and out holding it together. In addition, the tapestry would be lack lustre without the voices of Emily and Connor and the inclusion of classroom anecdotes that serve to remind us all that at the core of reading instruction are students who matter and relationships that count.

Ideas for creating a network of support through parent involvement, providing authentic and meaningful experiences, and implementing a curriculum that instills a love and desire to learn are shared. This book examines reading as a tapestry.

The perspectives include:
  • Research perspective - defining the struggling reader in terms of psychological, socio economic, curriculum, and self-concept and personality restraints. Where to start?
  • Pedagogical perspective – teacher beliefs, principles of a collaborative classroom, engaging struggling readers.
  • Curriculum perspective - how can the curriculum be geared to support struggling readers, exploring the National Curriculum in terms of struggling readers. Comprehension. Spelling.
  • Parent perspective – what do parents say about their struggling readers, what do parents value and how can parents be educated to better support their children.
  • Writing perspective – what is the connection between reading and writing.
  • Literature perspective – the hot book will do it! Igniting the passion to read through book selection. Books that work.
  • Intervention perspective – principles of effective intervention. Working one-on-one with a struggling reader. Strategies that work.

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Publication details

Kaye Lowe
Date of Publication
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