Announcing the 2022 Literature Symposium

The Foundation for Learning and Literacy has brought together 13 like-minded associations to create sessions on the importance of literature for young people.

    Follow the free symposium! Register here.

    Well love a good story. Stories enable us to envision alternative possibilities and different ways of knowing, doing, being and becoming. It is well established that literature nurtures empathy and helps us understand ourselves and others. Every learner must have easy access to a rich diversity of literature in their lives and learning.

    That’s why thirteen Australian professional associations, organisations, foundations and councils, together representing thousands of English and literacy educators, authors, artists and community members, have collaborated to develop a series of online presentations that celebrate the power of literature and form a free Literature Symposium for 2022. The series begins in June and concludes in mid-November. 

    With sessions on everything from conversations with authors, artists, educators and young learners, to short keynotes to panel discussions, the symposium explores literature from all angles – and highlights how story should be incorporated into learning and development across the curriculum.

    ‘In 2022, it is more important than ever that we all understand and celebrate the power of literature to help us imagine, question, interpret, understand, laugh and heal," said Professor Robyn Ewing.

    "We need to see ourselves in stories. Sharing stories enables us to come together as a rich and diverse community."

    PETAA is thrilled to be contributing with a deep-dive on the increasingly important climate fiction genre, examining its features, style and importance for young readers. Facilitator Jennifer Asha will be joined by Bren MacDibble (How to Bee) and Claire Saxby (Iceberg) for this critical conversation. 

    Each free, online event will be useful for teachers, librarians, school leaders, early years educators, parents and carers, and all interested in ensuring there is rich literature in every home, preschool, classroom and library.

    Register for the symposium for free access to every session, with the links delivered directly to your inbox every time. You won't want to miss a single one - after all, everyone likes a good story.

    Register now