
Comprehension, or ‘meaning making’ is why we learn to read. Good skilled readers are highly active when they read, using a range of comprehension strategies such as making connections to prior knowledge, predicting, visualising, asking and answering questions, inferring, retelling, paraphrasing, summarising, identifying the author's purpose, evaluating, re-reading and reaching conclusions.


Comprehension and text fluency: PETAA Resources Pathway

Posted on 4/12/2023
This series of 4 comprehension and text fluency staff meeting professional learning sessions guides school leaders in supporting teachers to confidently teach comprehension strategies and text fluency.


Video Resource: Teaching reading comprehension

Posted on 10/01/2022
In this video, receive a concise and quality introduction to reading comprehension.


One Careless Night: Lesson Activities Focused on Reading

Posted on 2/11/2021
Explore a fantastic range of lesson activities focused on reading using Christina Booth's evocative text, One Careless Night.


Connecting Texts, Comprehension and Vocabulary

Posted on 6/09/2021
Explore activities you can implement in your classroom to boost students' vocabulary knowledge.


Cultural Context: Exploring it in the Classroom

Posted on 24/08/2021
Understand what we mean by cultural context in a text and how students can explore the concept.


Article: Metacognitive Strategies and Reading Comprehension

Posted on 24/08/2021
Explore metacognitive teaching approaches and how it can apply to comprehension.


Historical Context: Exploring it in the Classroom

Posted on 24/08/2021
Understand what we mean by historical context in a text and how students can explore the concept.


Social Contexts: Exploring them in the Classroom

Posted on 24/08/2021
Understand what we mean by social context in a text and how students can explore the concept.