
Etymology is the study of the history of words. In English, etymology is particularly interesting and relevant for developing readers and spellers because the language has had so many different linguistic influences over the centuries. Developing etymological knowledge is an  important part of spelling success as students move beyond phonics and visual patterns. Etymology is also an important motivator for maintaining student interest in spelling and the study of the English language. It is essential for accessing and making meaning of language in the sciences, history, geography and mathematics. 


Video Resource: Teaching etymological spelling knowledge

Posted on 7/01/2022
In this video, etymological spelling knowledge is explored with Jennifer Asha.


Orthographic Inquiry in the Classroom: Working Etymologically

Posted on 27/09/2021
See how two teachers explored the etymological tree of the word 'cycle' with their class.


Article: Assessing Etymological Understandings

Posted on 19/08/2021
What should you be looking for when assessing a student's etymological understandings?