PETAA PL Program: Teaching writing in the primary classroom


16 hours

OPENS 2 OCTOBER and then available all year

Online unmoderated course


PETAA's latest Professional Learning Program is focused on the teaching of writing in the primary classroom. As noted by AERO (2023), There are 3 key approaches to writing instruction, which continue to be used nationally and internationally with variable emphasis. These are the ‘product’, ‘process’ and ‘genre’ pedagogies. Each pedagogy has its benefits and limitations, although no single pedagogy adequately addresses all aspects of the knowledge, skills and strategies required for skilled writing. The most effective instructional methods incorporate elements of product, genre and process pedagogies (Badger and White 2000), with attention provided to what is the most appropriate method given the ability and experience of the students being taught." This program is comprised of 4 rich, curriculum-linked and practical courses that consider each of the 3 key approaches outlined by AERO, as well as a deep-dive into writing assessment.

Courses included:

  • Explicitly teaching the process of writing
  • Teaching writing for purpose
  • Teaching writing using metalinguistic talk (Debra Myhill)
  • Assessment of writing

Learning outcomes:

  • Develop a deep understanding of the 3 major approaches to the teaching of writing
  • Plan writing lessons to foster understanding of language choices
  • Understand the grammar-writing connection
  • Generate metalinguistic talk in the literacy classroom
  • Support your students to generate and develop ideas for writing projects
  • Understand how mentor texts can be used to teach writing
  • Unpack the key skills for writing and critical knowledge for the teaching of those skills
  • Run impactful and engaging group discussions, teacher-student conferences and writer's workshops
  • Employ a range of effective strategies for preparing and publishing writing projects
  • Explore what we mean by assessment for, of and as learning
  • Understand how the curriculum and National Literacy Learning Progressions can support you to determine writing assessment purpose and criteria
  • Use writing samples to achieve Consistent Teacher Judgement through moderation
  • Effectively design and apply writing rubrics to rich assessment tasks 

Who should participate?

  •  Teachers F - 6
  •  Heads of Teaching and Learning, Curriculum and Instruction
  •  Literacy Leaders

What else do I need to know?

This PL program is self-paced and unmoderated. All participants have access to materials for 365 days from the date they register. 

How does it work?

  • Individuals: upon registration individuals will be sent a link to access the PL on our online learning platform.
  • Group Booking: Schools wishing to make a group booking should email us with the number of teachers they'd like to enrol, in order to receive a quote.
  • PL Subscription: Access this program via the PL Subscription homepage once it goes live in October. All PL subscription members receive free access to all online unmoderated courses and programs. 


Cost of participation
Member $420
Non-Member $600
PL Subscription School Member
Group booking (5+)


Not a member? Sign up here to access group pricing, discounts and our member resource portal.


 Completing this program comprises 16 hours of online professional learning addressing standards 1.2.2, 1.5.2, 2.1.2, 2.2.2, 2.3.2, 2.5.2, 3.3.2, 5.1.2, 5.2.2, 5.3.1 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. 

PETAA Membership

To take advantage of member discounts on this event, you need to first complete the transaction to become a PETAA member, then return to register for the event.


If you are an existing member please enter your username and password.

If you are new to PETAA, please create an account using the link above.